Saturday 2 April 2011



Here is a fantastic drill that will develop both upper body strength and over all power production. This drill may only take eight minutes to perform but it is a massive assault upon the bodies muscles and cardiovascular system, forcing you to do a HORRIFIC amount of work in a very short space of time, trust me this drill isn't for the faint hearted. Ha ha.
No gym membership is required for this and the only equipment you will need is a tyre, pair of gloves and a sledge hammer. For the tyre, a small truck tyre or Land Rover tyre will suffice.If you go to your local tyre shop and explain what you want it for and ask them nicely, they will probably give you one for free. They will usually have a load of old tyres out the back they cant sell and will probably be all to glad to let you take one away. This is how i got mine.
For the Sledgehammer go to your local hardware store and get a 10 pound sledge, this is all you need. Even if you are a large framed guy dont make the mistake of getting a heavier hammer as you wont be able to swing the thing fast enough to get the bennefit from this drill. Once you have done the drill for the first time trust me you will understand what i mean.
You will also need a clock or timer, personally i use a Boxing round/circuit timer as this gives an audible alarm at both beggining and end of each time segment, allowing me to concentrate fully on beating the tyre.
Place the tyre on the ground in front of you. Hold the sledgehammer in both hands, left foot forward and left hand holding the bottom of the shaft and the right holding the top, with the head of the hammer behind you.Start by swinging the hammer overhead and then down infront of you hitting the tyre as hard and as fast as you can. Repeat this this for 30 seconds beating the tyre as hard and as fast as you can then rest for 30 seconds, then switch to other arm repeating drill. Perform the drill four times on each arm.This will take a total of eight minutes, trust me this is enough as by the end of it your muscles will be fried and your entire upper body will be pumped like you have never felt before and your heart rate will have gone through the roof.
I generally recomend doing this drill a max of twice per week and do it when your muscles are fresh to get the maximum bennifit. Although this can be performed at the end of a workout as a finnisher. Also this is a great drill if you dont have time to get your usual workout in but still want to train.

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