Monday 4 April 2011

Maximal Strength Training routine 5x5

The author cracking out 200kg Deadlift, cold no belt or straps.

Want to gain some serious strength, here is a routine that will that will certainly make you stronger.
This routine is clasic old skool strength training, it requires you to work out 3 days per week and you will hit the entire body with five compound moves in each session. When you look at the programme you might think that there isnt alot of work, trust me this is a massive assault on the body and is a tough workout. You will be performing 5 sets of each exercise and 5 reps per set. If you aren't used to working at this low a rep range then you will need to gradually adjust your training lowering the reps and increasing the poundage slowly so that your connective tissue strength can adapt to the stresses that this type of training will place upon them.
I would also recomend that you perform these exercises with someone to spot you that way you will always have the confidence to push yourself hard. I would also recomend wearing a good quality belt when performing back and lower body exercises.
EXERCISE                        MUSCLE GROUP                       SETS                               REPS 
Seated Military Press            Shoulders                                        5                                      5
Dead Lift                              Lower back                                    5                                      5
Flat Bench Press                   Chest                                              5                                      5
Barbell Squats                      Legs                                                5                                      5
Bent Over Barbell Row         Upper Back                                    5                                      5

The first thing that you will notice with this programme is that there are no isolation exercises  for the smaller muscles dont worry about this they will get more than enough work doing this three times per week. Now as it says you perform five sets for each exercise, aim to complete the 5 reps per set, if you dont it doesnt matter just keep pushing that weight untill you can complete 5 reps over 5 sets for the exercise. Once you can do this increase the weight and repeat the process. I recomend that you spend between 8-12 weeks on this programme before changing your routine to keep the gains comming.

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