Sunday 3 April 2011

Boxing and MMA Conditioning drill (Advanced medicine ball speed strength punching drill)


So now you have been boing the basic drill to increase your speed strength and punching endurance for some time, it is now time to move onto something more difficult. This advanced drill will more closely replicate the dynamics of a punch as you will now be throwing the ball one arm at a time against a wall and catching it and because the ball leaves your hand there is no decelleration in force just like in a punch.
Medicine Ball 3-5 kg in weight. Dont use rubber balls that most gyms have as these will have to much rebound in them, use a leather ball that is a bit softer as this will absorb some of the impact when thrown and you will have to throw it alot harder to get it to bounce back at you.
Clock or timer
Stand in your stance holding the ball in the gaurd forcefully throw the ball against the wall as hard as you can, twist the body as you would if you were punching, as this will help promote power production throughout the entire body as well. As soon as the ball rebounds back at you catch it in both hands bringing it back to the guard and repeat for 30 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds and repeat on other arm, do this for one round. You can either perform this drill on alternate arms(which i recomend) or do the whole round on one arm then train the other arm over the next round.
Again with this as the basic drill if you are wanting to gain speed strength from this you need to be doing this drill at the beggining of your workout when the muscles are fresh. I recomend doing this drill a maximum of three times per week in the power phase of your training cycle.
You can also do variations of this drill with a collection of dumbells though you throw each one as far as you can. The drill is slightly different but the basic principle of there being no deceleration of force is the same.

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