Sunday 3 April 2011

Boxing and MMA Conditioning Training ( Medicine Ball, Speed Strength Punching Drill, Basic Drill)

Boxer or MMA fighter that is looking to increase speed strength and punching endurance, here are a couple of great drills that will help.
The first drill pictured above is the basic drill, if you havent done upper body plyometric training before i recomend starting with this drill before moving onto the more advanced drills.
Right then as we are training to promote speed strength, that is the speed of muscle contraction i.e power and not contractile strength here dont use a really heavy medicine ball, stick with a ball 5kg in weight as a maximum as this will provide plenty of resistance and wont detract from the main aim of the work.
If you are using this drill to increase speed strength then you must do this drill at the beggining of your training session when your muscles are fresh as otherwise this just becomes a cardiovascular training drill and the muscles will be to tired to gain the bennifit from the drill, however the same drill can be used thus as a good finnisher at the end of your workout.
Medicine Ball 3-5 kg in weight
Clock or timer
Stand as in the first picture with the ball at chest height, thrust the ball out to arms length, keep the arms long but keep a slight bend in the arms this way you wont over extend the elbow joint, then bring the ball back to the chest and repeat for 30 seconds as hard and as fast as you can, then rest for 30 seconds and repeat for one round.
This drill is deceptiveley difficult, for the first 10 seconds or so it will feel quite easy but then lactic acid will start to build up in the muscles and they will start to burn and slow down, work through this and continue to push the ball as hard and as fast as you can. Each time you do this drill it will get progressiveley harder and harder as more and more lactic acid builds up in the muscles you will also notice that this drill will tax the cardiovascular system as well.
I recommend doing this drill no more than three times per week and just before your skill work, work this drill into your training programme and you won't regret it that i promise you.

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