Monday 9 September 2013

How Fit Is Your Fitness Training Actually Making You and How Do You Measure Up Against Your Grandfather?
Our Grandfathers trained in real functional fitness in the 1940's when the term was first coined and not the watered down version peddled by the so called fitness trainers in your local gym. They did proper pullups, dips, muscle ups, rope climbs scailing obstacles, jumping ditches, lifting odd objects, running and carrying all manner of objects. Whats more they didn't do it in some comfy gym and they did it out doors in all weathers. In Hobnailed Boots and tin hats, not clad in lycra and the latest £150 trainers.
So it seems that our grandfathers were doing cross fit before it was invented.
This is what Old Skool Conditioning Training is all about, turning the clock back in our fitness training to a time when fitness training was about making you fit and not just looking fit. Don't just take my word for it, take a look around next time you go to the gym and see if anyone is actually breaking a sweat? How many people are all doing the same workouts that have no bearing on physical functionality outside of the gym?
This is why Old Skool Conditioning Training has left the constraints of the modern gym behind and strives to develop real functional fitness and strength with good old fashioned exercises, principles and drills using body weight, irregular weighted or shaped objects and training the body the way it is designed to be used in the real world. 
So if on reflection you don't feel that your fitness and strength measures up in real terms to that of your grandfather, then it is about time you that you went Old Skool.

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Multi-function Exercises for Functional Strength and conditioning

No gym Required-Old Skool Conditioning Training.
Reduce the amount of time you spend working out and still get everything done by combining exercises. Use odd objects instead of dumbells and barbells as these will challenge your muscles as they are harder to grip/lift due to shape or uneven weight. Here i am doing sit ups with a shoulder press with a 20kg med ball but if you don't have one use anything you can find in your garage. Multi function exercises such as this are great conditioning as you are hitting several major muscle groups at once and will more effectively replicate how the body uses its muscular and cardiovascular systems in unison as it does in real world situations. For more information about  Real World Strength and Combat Conditioning Personal Training visit

Monday 12 August 2013 Personal Trainer Windsor- Boxing 101 How to wrap your hands

Due being asked alot, how to wrap your hands for boxing training i have created this short tutorial, though there are many ways to wrap your hands, this is how i have always done mine for sparring or working on the heavy bag.